
You are currently viewing archive for May 2008

05/29: Linux > bash

Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako
"According to the bash man page, .bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells."
Josh Staiger: .bash_profile vs. .bashrc
Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako
Using TACACS for AAA
TAC_PLUS Developer's Kit vF4.0.2.alpha

1. Modify Makefile
2. Check /etc/services port 49
3. Sample conf
   key = xxxxxxxx
   default authentication = file /etc/passwd
   accounting file = /var/log/tac.log
   # debug log is var/tmp/tac_plus.log
   user = tacadmin {
      default service = permit
      chap = cleartext xxxxxxxx
4. Run with debug
   #tac_plus -C /etc/tac-plus/tacacs.conf -d 248

debugging output in the var/tmp/tac_plus.log file
Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako

$ find . -size +10k -ls

ls: Sort by filesize

$ ls -ls | sort -n

find files modified today
$ find . -daystart -mtime -1 -ls
$ find . -mmin -30 -ls

Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako
$ kill -9 1625 

$ kill -HUP httpd
【 kill 】 プロセスおよびジョブを強制終了する:ITpro
Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako
$ aaa (C-z押)
$ bg
$ disown %1
$ exit

"disown %[ジョブ番号] これだけでバックグラウンドプロセスをデーモン化することが出来る。 結果的として実行中にログアウトしても大丈夫。"
Trivial Tracks: disown 覚書
Category: Linux tips
Posted by: hajime osako