09/24: N800 > connect to GPS phone
Joiku - Symarctic ExtGPS
Point: From n800 Control Panel, refresh GPS location
Go to "Tools > Application catalogue", click "New", enter "matrix" into the "Web Address" field, click "Cancel". Choosing the red pill will activate the red pill mode, obviously, and chosing the blue one will deactivate it.Red pill mode
1. Install becomeroot http://eko.one.pl/maemo/dists/mistral/user/binary-armel/becomeroot_0.1-2_armel.deb 2. Copy Japanese ttf fonts into /usr/share/fonts then fc-cache -fv /usr/share/fonts FM Radio is already the installable application list. Set up phone connection (Bluetooth) Create a packet data connection: Access point name: 3netaccess Dial-up number: *99# User name: (blank) Password: (blank)
rwhitby.net :: Setting up my Nokia N800"# Add the Maemo Repositories to the Application Manager * Maemo Base o http://repository.maemo.org/ o bora o free non-free * Maemo Extras o http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ o bora o free non-free * Maemo Hackers o http://maemo-hackers.org/apt/ o bora o main"